Barnabas, originally called Joseph of Cyprus (Cyprus, ... - Salamis, 61), was an apostle, traditionally considered the first bishop of Milan. He is revered as a saint by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Its anniversary is celebrated on 11 June.
Lucia (283 – Siracusa, 304) è stata una martire cristiana siracusana, morta nel IV secolo a causa della grande
persecuzione sotto l’imperatore Diocleziano.
È venerata come santa dalla Chiesa cattolica e dalla Chiesa ortodossa che ne onorano la memoria il 13 dicembre. È una delle sette vergini menzionate nel Canone romano e per tradizione è invocata come protettrice della vista a motivo dell'etimologia latina del suo nome (Lux, luce).
Le sue spoglie mortali sono custodite nel Santuario di Lucia a Venezia.
Saint Anthony of Padua
Anthony of Padua, known in Portugal as Antonio da Lisbon, born Fernando Martins de Bulhões, and called Antonio da Forlì in his life, was a Portuguese religious and presbyter belonging to the Franciscan Order, proclaimed a saint by Pope Gregory IX in 1232 and declared Doctor of the Church in 1946. From the beginning canon regular in Coimbra from 1210, then from 1220 Franciscan friar. He traveled a lot, living first in Portugal then in Italy and France. In 1221 he went to the General Chapter in Assisi, where he saw and heard in person Saint Francis of Assisi. After the chapter, Antonio was sent to Montepaolo di Dovadola, near Forlì. He was endowed with great humility, but also with great wisdom and culture, due to his talented gifts as a preacher, shown for the first time in Forlì in 1222.
San Barnaba
Barnabas, originally called Joseph of Cyprus, was an apostle, traditionally considered the first bishop of Milan. He is revered as a saint by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Its anniversary is celebrated on 11 June.