we enliven the celebrations in our basilica with our songs
Il gruppo vi propone l'esecuzione di emozionanti brani liturgici non solo classici ma anche originali e caratterizzati da un arrangiamento moderno. A servizio delle funzioni liturgiche e a disposizione degli eventi parrocchiali.
Un gruppo di amanti del canto e della musica liturgica moderna. Ci riuniamo periodicamente per le prove, ma soprattutto per stare insieme. Siamo sempre disponibili a nuovi componenti sia strumentali che vocali.
"Qui cantat, bis orat "
chi canta prega due volte
Our mission
Sacred music is prayer ordered to raise hearts and minds towards God. Beyond the challenges represented by personal or cultural preferences, the purpose of sacred music is always the praise of God. . 334.5367888 by Valter
WE ARE LOOKING FOR WHO CAN PLAY: Flute, Keyboard, Violin If you have a practice on one of these instruments I invite you to participate, you can contact us at cell. 334.5367888 by Valter
We have lost count of the prizes we have won, but we do not get upset. We always dedicate ourselves with the greatest attention to each project.
The team
We take care to prepare ourselves as best we can with tests, especially in the vicinity of religious solemnities.
Quality assurance
You will always receive technical and moral assistance for the performance of the chosen pieces. We are always available to answer your questions.