«You are the light of the world. A city located on a mountain cannot remain hidden, nor can a lamp be lit to put it under a bushel, but above the lamp to give light to all who are in the house "(Mt 5, 14-15).
Remembering the Word to adults and teaching it to children today creates a better future where they can learn and teach.
Assistance to the most needy against the material and spiritual poverty that afflicts our community is possible, preventing and intervening allows us to live a healthy and productive life.
the Oratory
Per crescere a un bambino serve una comunità intera, sana e cristiana. Una volta che tale comunità si è creata, è possibile raggiungere qualsiasi obiettivo. Attraverso le attività dell'Oratorio, è possibile incontrare per tutti: nonni, genitori, ragazzi e bambini. Tutti per Tutti
Azione Cattolica
Italian Catholic Action of Marino - San Barnaba Parish reminds you of the membership renewal for the year 2021/2022 and invites you to the weekly associative meeting on Tuesday at 10.00 in the Basilica of San Barnaba for the recitation of the Holy Rosary and the Mass on first Thursday of the month with the Little Disciples of Jesus. to live, each one at his own measure and in community form, the experience of faith, the proclamation of the Gospel and the call to holiness.
Put your energy, talents and resources at your disposal to bring inspiration and hope to those in need.