Wednesday 28 January Via Fratelli Rosselli, 2.30 - 4.30 pm food distribution
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Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
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Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
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Scrivi qui la tua didascalia
The parish priest Don Pietro Massari, in his capacity as legal representative of the city Caritas, clarified the importance of this body for the parish community, pointing out that “there is no parish without Caritas nor a Caritas without parish”.
The APP kicks off. "ELDERLY FOR THE PARISH As announced last Friday, (11/22/2019) at the premises of the Fraternal canteen of Caritas, Don Pietro Massari met a large group of people interested in giving life and support to the APP project (Elderly Parish) During the presentation, the parish priest recalled how Pope Francis urged the Church so that there is an ever closer alliance between young and old, urging grandparents to be "mindful of history", that is, able to communicate to new generations the courage to dream and transmit to them that "healthy spirit of utopia that leads to gathering energy for a better world". Monday and Wednesday of the week, from 4.00 to 5.30 pm, to develop the themes with which, starting with the children who attend the Oratory, will provide our youth community with a meeting ground in which to discuss the present and their future, leveraging on the long oral tradition and on the saints the Christian teachings of which they are bearers. The parish community, especially the elderly, is invited to participate so that this beautiful project takes off. Let us ensure that the words of the Holy Father and the dream of our parish priest materialize in positive actions to act as an instrument of healthy growth for the new generations.